+1 (321) 414-5654 melita@bestweightonyou.com
clarity vsers lack of clarity


When the mind and heart work in harmony, there is a sense of clarity.

Clarity is a state of clear understanding, purpose, and focus. It involves having a clear vision, goals, and a sense of direction in life.

When the mind and heart align, there is a deep sense of knowing what one wants, believes, and values. This alignment enables individuals to make decisions and take actions that are in line with their core principles and aspirations. 

Lack of Clarity

Lack of clarity occurs when the mind and heart are not in sync. 

In this state, there is confusion, uncertainty, and a lack of clear direction. The mind may be filled with doubts, conflicting thoughts, and indecisiveness, while the heart may be experiencing conflicting emotions or desires. 

  1. Learning Mindset Shift will establish the Clarity you need to  Focus  on long-term, sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes. Together, we will work on establishing habits and routines that align with your goals and values.

Right now you may feel worried, confused, apprehensive.

You’re not alone…. Maybe just lacking in clarity.

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Ground Breaking Nanotechnology. These formulations of supplements are prepared especially with the purpose to improve bio-availability. This technology reduces nutrients to one-billionth of a meter and are held in nanosuspension. Nutrients that are difficult for you body to assimilate now have near-instant bioavailability.

We always focus on bringing you clean quality products with cutting edge technology.


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Mon – Fri: 10am – 9pm
Weekends: 10am – 3m