+1 (321) 414-5654 melita@bestweightonyou.com

“Menopause: A Joint Venture in Pain Management”

Menopausal Joint Pain: Understanding and Relief 🌼



Testimonial weight management bestweightonyou

Feeling stiff or achy when you get up in the morning or after sitting for an extended period of time? Do you have sore knees? Tight hips? Achy fingers? Back pain? Joint pain is one of those symptoms that can make you feel old overnight, and unfortunately it strikes more than half of women during menopause. In fact, a study of more than 100,000 middle-aged female veterans found that going through menopause raised their risk of experiencing chronic pain by 85 percent. But you don’t have to suffer and feel older than you are. There are a variety of ways to get relief from menopausal joint pain.

🌸What’s Happening When You Experience Joint Pain 🌸

Though the precise cause-and-effect of menopause and joint pain hasn’t yet been established, there’s evidence that there is one. Pain, swelling, and inflammation in the joints is often a signal of osteoarthritis (OA), the wearing down of protective tissue between bones. Since OA disproportionately affects women in menopause, it is likely that hormone changes may contribute to arthritis symptoms. Beyond hormones, carrying excess weight, leading a sedentary lifestyle, dehydration, poor diet, smoking and stress can all trigger or worsen joint pain.

Because estrogen is a natural anti-inflammatory, one possibility is that when it dips and ebbs, inflammation can occur more easily. Plus, estrogen regulates fluid levels throughout the body, so just as your skin is drier and less elastic, the tissue of your joints may be, too. Another theory is that estrogen reduces pain perception so when levels decline, you’re more sensitive to pain.

🌿What to Do to Relieve Joint Pain

Unlike many signs of menopause, joint pain may not diminish when hormones level out after menopause. But there are many lifestyle changes that can help ease the pain and prevent it from getting worse.

🔹Fill up on anti-inflammatory foods. 🍓 Some foods tamp down inflammation while others spur it on. For the right balance, eat more of these inflammation fighters: berries, broccoli, avocado, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, citrus fruits, cherries, fatty fish like salmon, olive oil, nuts, dark chocolate (in moderation), olive oil, green tea, turmeric, and ginger. And avoid foods that contribute to inflammation such as refined carbs like white bread and cake, fried foods, red meat and processed meats like hot dogs, soda and other sugary beverages, and foods with trans fatty acids like margarine.

🔹Get some exercise. 🏊 Regular movement keeps joints lubricated so they flex and extend more easily and with less pain. Low-impact activities like yoga, walking, swimming, and cycling are gentler on the joints than high-impact sports like running.

🔹Keep tabs on your weight. 🏋️ Excess weight puts stress on your joints as you move, so losing even a few pounds (weight loss is tough during the menopause transition) can mean exponential relief for weight bearing joints like hips and knees.

🔹Lift some weights. 🏋️‍♂️ Strengthening the supporting muscles around a joint provide stability. When joints are stable, they function better, and you have less risk of damage or an injury.

🔹Stay hydrated. 💧 Drink plenty of water to keep tissues moist and supple. In menopause, your body doesn’t retain water as well as it used to, so it’s important to replace the lost moisture. Water—not sports drinks, sodas, or coffee—is your best choice. If you need variety, add a few pieces of fruit for flavor.

🔹Build in stretch breaks. 🧘 Too much sitting? Too much computer time? At regular intervals, for instance every 20 or 30 minutes, stop what you’re doing and move. On a computer, stretch your forearms, do some wrist circles, or squeeze a soft ball. Get up from your desk and march in place and then stretch your legs and hips. The motion will help to keep your joint lubricated and minimize stiffness and pain.

🔹Strengthen your core. 💪 Your body is one long chain of joints and muscles, and weakness at one part affects others. When the core muscles in your abdomen, back, hips, and buttocks are strong, it can help to take pressure off your knees and ankles.

🔹Destress. 🧘‍♀️ We know, I probably sound like a broken record, but when it comes to joint pain, stress is especially problematic. Stress raises cortisol levels, and cortisol can cause additional inflammation in joints. Do what you can to keep stress in check. If stressed, consider taking a walk — in nature is best for a triple crown of stress- and joint-pain relief: nature, time away, and moderate exercise. calming supplements: Hemp https://shopus.zilis.com/collections/hemp-oils/products/ultracell%E2%84%A2?als=Melita

Mushrooms: https://purvii.com/melita/product/products/purvii-mood-skum001-id2

🔹Consider supplements that will help from within the body.

Some dietary supplements can help improve your joint health and manage joint pain.

The following supplements are believed to relieve joint pain and inflammation:

Fish oil: These supplements contain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, similar to those in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel. These fatty acids have potent anti-inflammatory benefits, and research has shown fish oil supplements can improve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. https://cssupplements.com/omega30/  Code: Get10 to receive 10%

Curcumin: This is the active ingredient in turmeric, a spice commonly used in Indian curries. It has been found to have pain- and inflammation-relieving properties. If you do not like adding turmeric to your meals, consider taking a supplement. https://cssupplements.com/curcumin-resveratrol/ Code: Get10 to receive 10%

Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate: Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are the most widely used and promoted supplements for joint pain. They are components of natural cartilage and are believed to provide pain relief.

Vitamin D supplements: Vitamin D is vital for promoting various health functions, including calcium absorption, which is vital for building strong bones. It can also help to slow down and minimize the effects of decreased estrogen, including those that lead to bone and joint problems. https://purvii.com/melita/product/products/purvii-d3k2-skud3002-id3

💊 Magnesium may help. According to the Arthritis Foundation, “Magnesium strengthens bones; maintains nerve and muscle function; regulates heart rhythm and blood sugar levels; and helps maintain joint cartilage. https://cssupplements.com/magnesium-citrate/

Talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement. They can review your medical history and help you decide whether a supplement might help with your joint pain and if it is safe to take based on your unique health situation.

🔹Apply ice and/or heat. ❄️🔥 Which you choose may be a personal preference. Generally, ice helps when there’s obvious inflammation (swelling, redness). It may also ease achiness after exercise, or you might simply find that it numbs your pain anytime. Heat loosens muscles, enhances flexibility, and increases circulation. For these reasons, heat (heating pad, warm shower, paraffin wax) may be helpful when used before exercise. Apply either for no more than 20 minutes at a time, and protect your skin by having something like a thin towel between your body and the ice pack or heating pad.

🔹Rub on relief. 🌟 Topical pain relievers like Arnicare and Biofreeze can tame the pain. In addition, simply touching and massaging the area, even with regular lotion, may help desensitize you to the pain.

 Conclusion🎯When to Get Help for Your Joint Pain 🚑

If you’re not getting relief, the pain worsens, or you have other symptoms such as swelling, redness, rashes, fever, fatigue, dry eyes and mouth, or painful urination, you should see your doctor. There are other causes of joint pain that can be more serious than a drop in estrogen, such as Lupus, Lyme disease, gout, septic arthritis, gonococcal arthritis, thyroid problems, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA and Lupus are autoimmune disorders that affect women more than men; they differ from OA, which is more closely related to aging and wear).

 Take action and eliminate your hormonal symptoms😫.  This is one of the issues that Best Weight On You Plan helps to resolve. Email: melita@bestweightonyou.com …. and lets get the conversation started. 



🌸Water’s Role in Menopause🌸

10 Reasons to Drink More Water During Menopause


Testimonial weight management bestweightonyou

If you are a regular client of mine, you may have noticed that I repeatedly recommend drinking plenty of water, and I am delighted at the number of women who get back to me saying that they have upped their water intake and their symptoms have reduced. 

🤔 Why is Water So Important During the Menopause?

Our bodies are at least 75% water, and if we neglect our water intake, this can cause a whole raft of symptoms that can look suspiciously like menopausal ones, such as:

🔹 Joints: Dehydration can cause joint inflammation and pain. 💧
🔹 Skin: Dehydration can lead to rough, wrinkly, and tough skin, triggering itchiness. 🌵
🔹 Mood: Dehydration can cause mood swings, anxiety/panic attacks, and stress palpitations. 😓
🔹 Memory: Dehydration affects brain function, causing fuzziness and forgetfulness. 🧠
🔹 Headaches: Dehydration is a common trigger for headaches. 🤕
🔹 Constipation/Bloating: Dehydration slows down gut motility and elimination. 
🔹 Hot Flushes: Dehydration affects the nervous system, triggering hot flushes, and sweating exacerbates dehydration. 🌡️
🔹 Fatigue: Dehydration can sap energy levels. 😴
🔹 Bladder Problems and Infections: Dehydration can irritate the bladder. 🚽
🔹 Night Palpitations: Dehydration, especially due to night sweats, can cause palpitations. 💓

Ways to Increase your Water Intake

The recommended daily water intake for women can vary based on individual needs, activity levels and environment. It’s important to listen to your body and drink water especially when you’re thirsty. I would recommend that you drink at least 6 cups of water daily (1 cup = 250 ml or 8 oz). If you find it challenging to drink water, you’re not alone… many of us struggle to meet the recommended daily intake. Here are some tips for incorporating more water into your diet.

  1. Carry a water bottle: One of the easiest ways to increase your water intake is to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. Choose a water bottle that’s convenient to carry, like one with a strap or one that fits in your bag, and make sure it’s big enough to hold enough water to last you throughout the day (or can be easily refilled wherever you are).
  2. Add flavour to your water: If you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy the taste of plain water, try flavouring it with fresh fruit, herbs or spices. This can make drinking water more enjoyable and appealing. Some popular flavour combinations include lemon and mint, cucumber and basil, pineapple and lime.
  3. Drink before meals: Drinking water before meals can help improve digestion and prevent dehydration. It can also be used as a way to control overeating. Try drinking a cup of water before each meal and see if it makes a difference in your digestion and overall hydration levels.
  4. Keep track of your intake: Having a clear picture of how much water you’re drinking can also help you identify the times of day when you’re not drinking enough, so you can make adjustments accordingly. You can use a water bottle that has measurement marks or keep a journal. You can also use a “water reminder” app that can give an estimate on how much water your body needs and remind you to drink water at set times to fulfil your daily goal.
  5. Include foods that have a higher water content: Many vegetables and fruits have a high water content and should be included in your diet to increase your intake. Easy ones to include are cucumbers, watercress, celery, lettuce, watermelon, berries and citrus fruits. You can also incorporate other foods such as soups/broths, coconut water, smoothies and decaffeinated teas (either hot or cold). Sorry ladies … not including alcohol in this list!


Drinking enough water can help reduce the severity of your menopausal symptoms, improve digestion and maintain overall health. So, let’s make a conscious effort to drink more water daily for all those benefits! If you try this let me what symptoms it has helped you with.

Take action and eliminate your hormonal symptoms😫.  This is one of the issues that Best Weight On You Plan helps to resolve. Email: melita@bestweightonyou.com …. and lets get the conversation started. 



Unlocking Nutrient Power: The Magic of Enteric-Coated Multivitamins! ✨🔒”

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Multivitamins are important because they provide essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need for optimal health and functioning. Here are several reasons why multivitamins are important:

Enhanced Absorption: 🔄 Enteric coating protects the vitamins and minerals from being degraded by stomach acid, allowing them to pass through the stomach intact and be absorbed in the small intestine where absorption is more efficient.

Reduced Gastric Discomfort: 😊 Some vitamins and minerals can cause stomach upset or irritation when taken on an empty stomach. Enteric coating helps prevent this discomfort by delaying the release of the nutrients until they reach the small intestine, bypassing the stomach where irritation may occur.

Preservation of Nutrient Integrity: 🛡️ Enteric coating helps protect the integrity of the vitamins and minerals from degradation due to stomach acid or other factors. This ensures that the nutrients remain stable and effective until they are absorbed in the intestine, maximizing their potency and efficacy.

Targeted Delivery: 🎯 Enteric-coated multivitamins can be formulated to release nutrients at specific sites in the gastrointestinal tract, allowing for targeted delivery to optimize absorption and effectiveness.

Minimized Odor and Taste: 🌬️ Some vitamins and minerals can have strong odors or unpleasant tastes, which may be undesirable for some individuals. Enteric coating can help mask these characteristics, making the multivitamins more palatable and easier to swallow.

Overall, enteric-coated multivitamins offer several advantages over regular multivitamins, including enhanced absorption, reduced gastric discomfort, preservation of nutrient integrity, targeted delivery, and improved palatability. These benefits make them an important option for individuals seeking to optimize their nutrient intake and overall health.

The MultiVitamins I have found that have all of these factors can be purchased in this link below: You will receive a 10% discount when you apply the code: GET10


Why your food diary is your secret tool.

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✨Keeping a food diary can be a powerful tool for various reasons, making it a “secret weapon” for those seeking to improve their health, manage weight, or address specific dietary concerns. Here are some reasons why a food diary can be beneficial:

Increased Awareness: 🧐 Recording everything you eat and drink helps you become more aware of your dietary habits. It allows you to see patterns, identify potential issues, and understand your eating behaviors.

Portion Control: 🍽️ A food diary can help you monitor portion sizes. Many people underestimate the amount of food they consume, and a diary can provide a reality check, helping you make more informed decisions about portion control.

Identifying Triggers: 🚨 If you have specific health concerns or conditions, such as allergies, digestive issues, or mood swings, a food diary can help you identify potential triggers. By tracking your food intake alongside symptoms, you may discover patterns that can be useful for making adjustments to your diet.

Goal Setting: 🎯 If you have health or fitness goals, a food diary helps you set realistic and achievable objectives. Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain, or improved energy levels, tracking your food intake allows you to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.

Nutrient Intake: 🥦🍗 A food diary helps you assess your nutrient intake. You can ensure that you are getting a balanced diet with the right proportions of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

Accountability: 🤝 Recording your food choices creates a sense of accountability. You are more likely to make healthier choices when you know you’ll have to write them down. This accountability can serve as motivation for maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet.

Behavioral Changes: 🔄 Over time, a food diary can help you identify and modify unhealthy eating habits. It promotes self-reflection and empowers you to make conscious choices regarding your diet.

Professional Guidance: 🤓 If you’re working with a nutritionist, dietitian, or healthcare professional, a food diary provides valuable information for them to offer personalized advice and guidance. It serves as a useful tool during consultations.

Long-Term Success: 🚀 Consistently keeping a food diary can contribute to long-term success in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It encourages mindfulness about food choices, making it more likely that positive habits will become ingrained over time.

To make the most of a food diary, it’s important to be honest, detailed, and consistent in recording your food and beverage intake. Whether using a physical journal, a mobile app, or an online tool, the key is to find a method that works for you and fits seamlessly into your routine. So, grab that journal or fire up that app, and let your food diary be your sidekick in the journey to a healthier, happier you! 🌟🍎💪

Need to talk about your journal?

I have a PDF📝 writeable you can use if you want.

 I am just an email📧 away.


The Sweet Trap: Understanding Sugar Addiction the Perpetual Cycle

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Sugar addiction can turn into a vicious cycle. 🔄

At first, the sugar you eat tastes good, bringing on a “high” when your brain initiates the dopamine release. 🧠✨ Then, the sugar causes your insulin levels to increase, leading to a drop in blood sugar levels. ⬇️ As your blood sugar falls, your appetite and hunger levels increase. 🤤 Your body then craves sugar again to fix any hunger deficiencies or feelings of unease, even if the fix is only temporary.

🚫 What’s Wrong with Sugar? Everything.

Outside of making things taste better, sugar has no nutritional value and is full of empty calories. 📉 These calories can create weight problems and, in turn, heighten your risk of heart disease and stroke.

🍔 Sugar vs. Comfort Food: A Hidden Similarity

In reality, sugar isn’t any different than comfort food or a satisfying fast-food meal loaded with simple carbohydrates. 🍟 These carbohydrates are high on the glycemic index, meaning it takes less time to turn them into glucose. ⏰ During this quicker digestion process, you may feel good in the short term, but hunger will quickly set in since sugary foods lack nutrients and leave you unsatisfied. 🤷‍♂️🍰

The cycle of sugar addiction in the American diet is a 🔄concerning issue that involves multiple factors, including 🍽️ dietary choices, 💉insulin resistance, and the impact on overall health. 🍬

Let’s break down some key 🔑 points:

Processed Foods and Refined Sugars:

🍔The typical American diet is often characterized by a high consumption of 🍕processed foods that are rich in refined sugars and starches. These foods, such as bread, pasta, snacks, and sweets, 🍦can lead to rapid spikes in blood sugar levels.

Insulin Production and Regulation: 

🔄 When these processed foods are consumed, they cause a surge in blood glucose. In response, the pancreas releases insulin to regulate and lower blood sugar levels. Continuous consumption of high-carbohydrate and sugary foods can lead to overworking of the pancreas and, over time, may contribute to insulin resistance. 💉🚫

Insulin Resistance and Sugar Cravings:

🚫 Insulin resistance occurs when the cells in the body become less responsive to insulin. This resistance leads to a drop in blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), triggering sugar cravings. Individuals may feel the need to consume sugary 🍰 foods to address the perceived energy deficit.

Excess Fat Storage and Weight Gain:

📈 The constant cycle of consuming sugary 🍦 foods, insulin release, insulin resistance, and subsequent sugar cravings can result in excess fat storage. This process contributes to weight gain and may increase the risk of obesity and related health issues.

Contribution to Health Problems:

🍟 The American diet, characterized by high salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats, is associated with various health problems, including obesity and heart disease. Consuming sugary 🥤 beverages and snacks 🍩🍪 further exacerbates the risk of weight gain and type 2 diabetes.

Efforts to Encourage Healthier Choices: 

🍏 At Best Weight On you we recognize the impact of the American diet on health.  Therefore, through the plan 📋  efforts are made  to promote better dietary choices. 🥗🥦💪 The process is structured to reduce dependence on processed and sugary foods.

Coaching 🧑‍🏫 you through your Lifestyle change addresses the endless loop of sugar addiction 🍰🍭 in the American diet and involves a comprehensive approach, 📚 including education, 🧘‍♀️ lifestyle changes, to create an environment that supports healthier food choices. 🌱 🏋️‍♂️

💕As your Health Coach I will help you TAKE CHARGE & FOCUS on your health. 🕊️Together, we can see both your good intentions and healthy lifestyle, take better shape.

Now is a good time for you to TAKE CHARGE! Contact me for your first step to a new you.

Use the Button Below to set up your FREE Consultation Today!


BEWARE! It may seem like weight loss magic.

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🤔 Weight Loss Magic? Think Again! 💊💉👀

It’s that time of the year when weight loss ads flood our lives. Before you jump into the latest trend, remember, there’s no magic pill or shot. Let’s delve into the realities of new drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro.


🚫 Nightmare Adverse Effects

While these drugs may seem like a dream solution, the reality can be a nightmare. Let’s explore the scary side effects that might make you reconsider:

😱 Scary Side Effects:

  • Gastrointestinal Issues (GI):
    • Severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain.
    • Higher risk of stomach paralysis and intestinal blockages, sometimes requiring surgery.
    • Gastroparesis, even after pre-surgery fasting, posing potential fatal risks.

🤕 Hypoglycemia:

  • Lowered blood sugar levels leading to hypoglycemia.
  • Symptoms include dizziness, confusion, loss of balance, fainting, and seizures.
  • Increased risk of falls and injuries.

🩸 Pancreatitis:

  • A 9X increased risk of pancreatitis, potentially leading to pancreatic cancer.
  • Life-threatening inflammation causing severe pain and long-term digestive issues.

❤️ Cardiovascular Problems:

  • Reports of heart palpitations, chest pain, and electrolyte disturbances.
  • Contradictory long-term effects on cardiovascular health, amidst other serious concerns.

🚶‍♂️ Cosmetic Consequences:

  • Users report “Ozempic face” or “Ozempic butt” – dramatic weight loss in these areas resulting in loose, dry, wrinkly, sagging skin, making people look much older.


Update: As of January 2024 and a timeline of Ozempic.

 Just remember, if it sounds toooo good to be true …..it is!

As your Health Coach I will help you TAKE CHARGE & FOCUS on your health. 🕊️Together, we can see both your good intentions and healthy lifestyle, take better shape.

Now is a good time for YOU to TAKE CHARGE and not to depend of pharmaceuticals anymore! 

Use the Button Below to set up your FREE Consultation Today!