+1 (321) 414-5654 melita@bestweightonyou.com

Maintaining Weight Loss After 2 Months, Elise’s Story

Elise’s Story Episode 2

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Before & After

Elise’s Maintenance Journey: Two Months After Program Completion

Maintaining Success: Elise has been successfully maintaining her weight two months after completing the program, thanks to the valuable lessons she learned during her journey.

Effective Strategy: One key strategy that has contributed to her success is the incorporation of intermittent fasting into her daily routine, which has helped her manage her weight and keep her metabolism in check.

Healthy Eating Habits: Elise’s current eating patterns closely mirror what she learned during the program. She starts her day with a protein drink, enjoys fresh fruit as a mid-morning snack, and ensures she has a balanced dinner before 6 PM.

Balanced Indulgences: While maintaining her weight, Elise allows herself occasional indulgences, such as enjoying fries or a glass of wine. The difference now is that she can enjoy these treats in moderation without compromising her goals.

Improved Health: Elise has experienced notable improvements in her health, particularly in her blood pressure. She’s even been able to discontinue certain medications, marking a significant achievement for her overall well-being.

Confidence in Continued Success: Elise feels confident in her ability to continue following the program’s teachings. She’s equipped with the knowledge and habits necessary to sustain her progress for the long term.

Listen to the video for the full interview!



Weight Loss Journey, Elise’s First Interview.

Elise’s Story

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Before & After


Elise’s Journey: Focus and Results

Meet Elise, the living proof that staying focused brings results. We sat down to discuss her journey, and her story holds a strong lesson for all of us. In this post, we’ll dive into Elise’s experience and learn about the real power of determination in reaching our goals.

Straight Talk: Elise’s View

When I asked Elise about working with me on her goals, she was candid. She appreciated my non-judgmental approach and understood that setbacks are part of the process. What stands out is her ability to bounce back and stay focused.

Teamwork and Triumph

Teaming up with Elise was effective and simple. Her determination and positivity were contagious, and she was committed to reaching her goals. We had a supportive partnership built on respect. Elise’s journey highlights that positivity can drive success.

Different Paths, Same Success: Elise’s Achievement

Elise’s journey to losing weight reminds us that everyone’s path is unique. We all face challenges, but determination is the common thread. Remarkably, she shed 25 pounds in just 5 weeks. Her achievement is a shot of motivation for anyone working towards change – it’s about staying focused on the goal.

Full Interview: Elise’s Insights

Want more details about Elise’s journey? Check out the full interview where she shares her experiences, challenges, and how she stayed focused. Elise’s story is a source of wisdom for anyone pursuing their goals.

In short, Elise’s journey proves that focus and resilience make a difference. Her no-nonsense approach and determination offer a lesson for us all. Regardless of your goal, remember that staying focused and pushing through challenges leads to success. Listen to the interview and let Elise’s story ignite your determination to pursue your goals.


Glowing Testimonial 2

Shelby’s Story

Testimonial weight management bestweightonyou

In 2018 my husband and I were in a head on collision.

🚗 My husband was not seriously hurt, but I on the other hand, 5 broken ribs , C-2 hangmans break, many vertebrae broken, 4 brain bleeds, perforated colon, and during surgery they had to remove my small intestine and some of my large. I was in ICU for a few weeks.

I was 72 the doctors did not think I would survive.

Little did they know that I had lost over 100 pounds and I was a fighter. I was in such good shape from the weight loss and the proteins I had used it helped my recover go quickly.

As I recovered, my little helper, Melita had brought in a new product , Fall of 2021, to her clinic.

This product was called GLOW…. I trusted her…. To my amazement with in the first 10 days it had brought my pain level from a 10 to 1 -2 I was blown away. I had this pain for what? 3 years and she did not know. From this I sleep better and back to my super upbeat self.

I am so glad Melita brought GLOW to her expertise.

I learned GLOW has 40 Health benefits.


Testimonial – Pam Marden

Pam Marden’s Story

Pam before and after weight loss side view

Side view

Before and After

I was embarrassed by my weight and nothing was working!

To some people I was not overweight and I was not grossly overweight!

But I am only 5’3″ and have been average most of my life.

However, through menopause and after I could not lose the weight no matter what I did. All my old tricks were not working for losing weight.

I am a nurse and my uniforms hid the extra weight. So, I saw the ITG Diet at my OBgyn office.

I was really interested because there were no medications involved in the program. It also incorporated whole foods which I totally agreed with. My ITG coach, Melita, was extremely encouraging and even got tough with me when I needed it by reminding me of the health issues I was trying to avoid. What was my Why…..

I am 62 1/2 years old and I have never been happier!

I am now not embarrassed by my weight and I feel so energized!

Now… everyone has noticed my new figure and ask ME, How I did it!!

thank you ITG Diet for offering such a life changing program


Pam Maden back view before and after image

Pam Maden back view before and after image

Pam Marden front view before and after image

Pam Maden back view before and after image

Let me help you start your health journey today…….set up your free consultation now!