
I started ITG November 11, 2016. IT took me a year to lose 150 lbs. So, from 2017 to now… 2022 I have been keeping all the weight off.
That is the idea, to keep it off. That is why ITG is special. I had no problem losing the weight.
I have become so much healthier and feeling so good. I walk 5 miles and I have a light exercise routine. What I have learned on this program and eating right has kept me feeling so young.
Thank you Melita, she is my coach, and ITG for coming into my life! I still check in with her every week. Melita is so helpful still guiding me with the right food choices ..
This program is so easy to follow. If can do it so can you!

Let’s connect!
Schedule an appointment at your convenience or simply send me a message—I’m here to help in whatever way works best for you!