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Exhausted despite a full night sleep? Feeling stressed, overwhelmed and forgetful? Relying on coffee for energy? Constantly hungry and craving salty, crunchy foods? Bloated and gaining weight, especially around your midsection? Feeling lightheaded or dizzy upon standing?

 If so, your adrenal glands may be to blame.

The adrenals are two small glands approximately the size of a walnut that sit atop each of your kidneys. Their primary function is help you cope with  stress, but they also play a role in hormone production, digestion, the metabolism and fluid balance.

When stress is high, the adrenals get overworked and extreme exhaustion, impaired memory, bloating, insatiable cravings and dizziness upon standing may ensue.

Dr. Berg Explains Adrenal Glands Here

Healing the adrenals is a critical piece to weight loss, energy, immune health and a well-functioning brain. With a primary responsibility of producing and regulating the stress hormone cortisol, the adrenals also assist in estrogen and progesterone production, mood and energy, the immune system, blood pressure, fluid balance and metabolism. 

From lack of sleep, poor diet, over-reliance on stimulants and over-exercising to environmental toxicity, infections, deadlines and financial obligations, stress inputs are widespread and variable. When demands are high and rest is lacking, the body spends more time in “fight or flight” (i.e. stressed-out mode) than “rest and digest” (i.e. relaxation mode). Over time, this chronically heightened state taxes the adrenals, inhibits digestion, drives inflammation, causes a breakdown of healthy tissues and quickly burns through the body’s fuel, leaving you feeling completely depleted. 

The good news: the body is a miraculous, self-healing mechanism.

Top tips include:

  1. Eat a protein food for your first meal of the day. 
  1. Avoid intense workouts. Does your current exercise regime leave you feeling energized or depleted? Adrenaline pumping workouts such as hour long runs, high intensity interval training and spin class often energize in the moment, but create a sense of exhaustion soreness, intense hunger and irritability within 24 hours afterwards, If that’s the case your body is telling you to stop. Instead try walking, yoga, pilates, etc.

These are more calming and still provide circulatory detoxification and mental benefits as the high intensity workouts. 

  1. Use Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt- packed with up to 87 different minerals, unrefined sea salt nourishes the kidneys and adrenals, mitigates salt cravings, helps balance blood pressure, aids digestion and calms the nervous system. 
  1. Add Adaptogens. * Adaptogens are a unique class of herbs/plants that have the ability to “adapt” to what the body needs when faced with stress, eliciting either an energizing or calming effect on the nervous system. 

As a nation that thrives on bigger, better and faster, stress is a driving force for the standard American lifestyle. Although it provides the get-up-and-go that encourages productivity, continuously pushing the stress pathways becomes a viscous, addictive cycle that exhausts the adrenal glands, throws the hormones out of balance and creates systemic inflammation in the body. From exhaustion, weight gain and brain fog to insomnia, irritability, and frequent colds and flu, the impact of stress is widespread. Healing the adrenals is a critical piece to weight loss, energy, immune health and a well-functioning brain.

*Glow is an Adaptogen – is available as a part of my coaching support.


As your Health Coach I will help you TAKE CHARGE & FOCUS on your health. Together, we can see both your good intentions and healthy lifestyle, take better shape.

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