+1 (321) 414-5654 melita@bestweightonyou.com

Healthy Weight Healthy Life Program

So glad you are here! Ready to embark on this transformative experience? Let’s get to work!

These  “Program”

Each of our plans within the program consists of three steps

Step 1 – Weight Loss

  • You will have a minimum 3 protein foods per day. Follow until you have met your desired goal.

    Step 2 – Transition

    • the key to your weight loss stabilization success.
    • You will slowly re-introduce moderate amounts of fruits, fats and carbohydrates to your diet each week for 4 transition weeks.
    • This allows your body to re-adjust to producing the correct amount of insulin needed and helps you keep those unwanted pounds off.

      Step 3 – Success in Life

      • You continue to eat the way you’ve been taught.
      • You have achieved your weight loss goals, rested your pancreas and have learned to eat and maintain your new healthy weight by choosing healthy foods and a balanced diet.

      What will you get out of  This “Program”?

      The Program will teach you:

      • How to Eat Right
      • How to Get Healthy
      • How to Feel Better
      • How to Gain Confidence
      • Losing weight can be easy

      More importantly, you will be in control of…

      • Improving your Heart Health
      • Having More Energy
      • Increasing Your Lifespan
      • Improving Blood Sugar Issues
      • Reducing or eliminating medications 
      • Improving the quality of life


        Tools we use and recommend in the “Program”.

        What you can expect working with Melita @ Best Weight On You

        Educational Feedback and Discussion

        At Best Weight On You, we believe in the power of knowledge to transform your health journey. That’s why our approach integrates assessment and education, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of your unique wellness needs.

        Actionable Recommendations

        Armed with this knowledge, we’ll work together to develop personalized recommendations and strategies tailored to your specific needs and goals. Whether it’s tweaking your diet, incorporating more movement into your day, or finding ways to manage stress, we’ll provide practical guidance to help you thrive.

        Connecting the Dots

        We’ll connect the dots between your assessment results and the broader principles of holistic health covered in our initial education session. This means you gain a deeper understanding of how nutrition, exercise, stress management, and other factors play a role in your overall wellness.

        Personalized Insights

        After completing your assessment, we’ll sit down together to review the findings. This isn’t just a data dump – it’s a personalized discussion aimed at helping you understand how your lifestyle choices impact your health and well-being.

        Empowered to Thrive

        By combining assessment and education, we aim to empower you to take control of your health and make informed choices that support your well-being. Together, we’ll navigate your wellness journey with confidence and clarity.

        Ongoing Support and Accountability

        But our support doesn’t end there! We’ll stay connected through weekly check-ins to celebrate your wins, troubleshoot any challenges, and keep you motivated on your wellness journey. These check-ins ensure you have the ongoing support and accountability you need to stay on track and achieve your goals.

        Choose Your Perfect Coaching Plan

        We’re excited to offer two fantastic coaching plans to help you achieve your business goals: the Personalize Plan and the ITG Plan. Each plan is thoughtfully structured to guide you through a specified number of weeks, ensuring you get the most out of your journey with us.

        We understand that some of our clients may need a bit more support after completing their initial plan, which is why we offer “Follow-Up Sessions” for an additional fee. You have the flexibility to purchase your plan with or without these sessions, based on your needs.

        Choose the plan that suits you best, and let’s start working together to turn your vision into reality!

        The Personalized Plan

        Each week, you’ll receive a password to access the new content. Just tap on the button for the appropriate week, and you’re all set! If you run into any issues with the site or have questions about the program, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

        Personalized Plan + Transition


        The Personalized package may include any of the following

        • Medical Grade Multi-vitamin – Personalized Plan+ 4 weeks transition
        • Medical Grade Calcium/Magnesium – Personalized + 4 weeks transition
        • Medical Grade Omega –Personalized Plan  + 4 weeks transition
        • ITG Foods Personalized Plan or combination
        • Pro Biotic  Supplement – Personalized Plan  (pre-pro-post-biotics)
        • Arbor Leaf Scale
        • Suggested Meals 
        • Suggested weekly video exercises

        The Personalized package will include the following

        • Daily Email with  Inspirational Quotes
        • Coaching and Support
        • Time with coach per week
        • Weekly weight check in 45 minutes
        • Ongoing support for 1 year (every 2 weeks) after the intial 16 weeks

        Personalized Plan + 4 weeks Transisition:         $ TBD


        Melita Crutcher 321-414-5654 or 407-252-5556

        The 4 choices in the ITG Plan

        These choices are designed based on the amount of weight reduction you wish to achieve. Remember, reaching your maximum potential in each choice depends entirely on you and how committed you are to your eating habits.

        Basic +Transition
        • Plans includes: 
          • Medical Grade Multi-vitamin – 4 weeks supply + 4 weeks transiton
          • Medical Grade Calcium/Magnesium – 4 weeks supply + 4 weeks transition
          • Medical Grade Omega – 4 weeks supply + 4 weeks transition
          • 20 Boxes (which is anywhere from 120 – 140 meals) of the ITG Foods. Selections: breakfast, lunch, variety bars, soups, puddings, drinks)
          • Arbor Leaf Scale
          • *15 minutes/weekly session
          •   3 informational support emails per week
          • 4 Week Basic Package + 4 weeks Transition: $1250

          Melita Crutcher 321-414-5654 or 407-252-5556

        Intermediate +Transition
        • Medical Grade Multi-vitamin – 8 weeks supply + 4 weeks transition
        • Medical Grade Calcium/Magnesium – 8 weeks supply + 4 weeks transition
        • Medical Grade Omega –8 weeks supply + 4 weeks transition
        • 32 Boxes (which is anywhere from 192– 224 meals) of the ITG Foods.
        • Arbor Leaf Scale
        • * 20 minute session each week
        •  5  informational support emails per week.

        8 Week Intermediate Package + 4 week transition : $1989

        Melita Crutcher 321-414-5654 or 407-252-5556

        Deluxe + Transition

        Deluxe package includes

        • Medical Grade Multi-vitamin – 12 weeks supply + 4 weeks transition
        • Medical Grade Calcium/Magnesium – 12 weeks supply + 4 weeks transition
        • Medical Grade Omega –12 weeks supply + 4 weeks transition
        • 44 Boxes (which is anywhere from 264 – 308 meals) of the ITG Foods.
        • Arbor Leaf Scale
        • *30 minutes/weekly session
        • Pro-Biotic Supplement 16 weeks Only  (pre-pro-post-biotics)
        • Daily informational support emails
        • Ongoing support for 6 months (every 2 weeks) after the initial 16 weeks 

        12 Week Deluxe Package+ 4 weeks Transition:  $ 2,500


        Melita Crutcher 321-414-5654 or 407-252-5556

        melita branding imageIf you are viewing this on a phone click on the number. (321) 414-5654
        If you are using a browser to view this you will need to enter the numbers manually on your phone.

        Email me Melitat@bestweightonyou.com

        Create an appointment by clicking >> “make an appointment

        Or just send me a quick message!

        Need more Info?